3 Ways for Hoteliers to Prioritize Environmental Responsibility

It’s a new world and a new way of operating—one where sustainability will play a huge role in hospitality success.

As many countries begin to get the pandemic under control, the climate crisis has returned to the forefront of discourse and planning for industry leaders and politicians. Back in February, UN Chief António Guterres, told the United Nations Environment Assembly 2021 will be a critical year for resetting the global relationship with nature; Guterres went on to say, “We must put protecting the planet at the center of all our plans and policies.” As leaders around the world work toward the type of “relationship reset” Guterres called for, many countries are enforcing new legislation and innovative companies are taking proactive steps to forge the way forward in environmental stewardship.

What does this mean for the hospitality industry? Now is the time for hoteliers to evaluate their internal systems, weed out areas of waste, and implement policies that will be better for their short- and long-term futures. Here’s how you can get started at your property:

  1. Consider your demographic 

From Gen Z to Baby Boomers, the number of people looking for sustainable products is rising, with a recent study by Neilson showing over 50% of Baby Boomers over 75% percent of younger generations saying they are willing to pay more for greener options. In particular, big city and international consumers tend to be more climate conscious. This consciousness will only grow over time, pushing every industry to step up. Hoteliers should be looking for ways to show potential guests the practical ways in which their property is being a responsible environmental steward. Millennials and Gen Zers especially are looking for brands and companies leading the charge, the opportunity to build long-term loyalty with younger consumers has never been more primed.

And you’re in luck: the easiest and most effective way to show you care is by eliminating paper and plastic—which is better and more cost effective for your property anyways. Mobile hospitality tech can replace everything from printed compendiums to menus to room keys, and it’s never been more accessible to hoteliers. Plus, let’s be real, most people want everything on their phone anyway.

  1. Transfer paper waste to digital space 

Guests want a more climate-friendly experience—but they’re also not looking to trade comfort or service quality for it, so it’s vital to give them peace of mind without causing any drop in service quality. You can’t just eliminate the compendium altogether or reduce how much you’re communicating with guests throughout their stay. The good news is that digital options provide a win-win scenario for properties—a greener alternative to paper and plastic that should actually increase service quality, rather than taking anything away from the guest experience.

Take dining for example: hotels with scratch kitchen and farm-to-table dining options have found particular success with using digital menus. Not only does a mobile option reduce waste, it cuts down on the unnecessary logistical work of printing new menus every time an item changes. The same goes for room keys, expensive pieces of plastic that have to constantly be replaced. By switching to mobile, old menu items can be replaced with new ones in seconds, and room keys stay in the hand of the guest—all without any waste.

  1. Create a smarter footprint 

Finally, hoteliers should be looking at their electrical use. In the same way paper should be replaced with more capable tech, guest comfort should be central to changes in electricity usage. Lighting, AC, and heat are vital for the comfort of guests– they are also some of the biggest culprits in irresponsible energy consumption.

This is why smart thermostats and in-room tablets are on the rise. Hoteliers are able to put intention behind every bit of energy usage by giving the guess more hands-on control. Lighting is only used when guests are present. Instead of pumping out excess heat or air to an unoccupied room, thermostats shift to only use power when needed. With presets and intuitive UI, you can ensure nothing is wasted.

Save the planet (and your money) 

Prior to the pandemic, sustainability was a hot button issue in every industry, hospitality included. That got sidelined as focus pivoted to COVID safety (rightfully so!), but that conversation is quickly coming back to the forefront. And frankly, it’s never going away. Hoteliers can either hop on board now and make changes, or play catch up in a few years when consumers won’t be so forgiving.

By cutting down the amount of wasted paper and energy, hoteliers will be able to contribute more positivity to sustainability efforts while cutting costs internally. Guests get a better experience with more control in the palm of their hands. The trends speak for themselves: waste is out, efficiency is in.

Want to see how mobile technology can help your property go green and improve the guest experience? Request a demo of the INTELITY platform now.

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