Why the Future Hospitality Guest Experience is Mobile: HumAIn podcast interview with INTELITY CEO Robert Stevenson

For the HumAIn podcast with David Yakobovitch, INTELITY CEO Robert Stevenson discusses mobile trends and tech in hospitality. Tune in to hear how the INTELITY mobile platform is being built to modernize the guest experience, how the pandemic affected mobile advancement, and what role mobile tech and AI will play in the future of travel and hospitality. Learn how to leverage mobile experience, automation, and AI to drive revenue. And hear more about what travelers want and need when it comes to digital tech—and what hoteliers can do to meet and exceed those expectations in the coming days.

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  • 00:00 – Introduction
  • 01:45 – Hospitality Tech has been reluctant to embrace the latest and greatest technologies
  • 03:28 – INTELITY is a mobile platform being built to modernize the guest experience
  • 05:36 – INTELITY customer segment and customer ecosystem and market is that 80% who are not major hotel brands
  • 08:09 – INTELITY has been conceived as a B2B2C
  • 12:41 – How the pandemic stroke Hospitality industry but leveraged a long-expected change
  • 13:53 – Mobile experience and automation to improve the market
  • 14:53 – Using AI and data to drive revenue
  • 18:31 – Using AI and data to predict customers behavior and offer a better service
  • 19:59 – Automate the experience to elevate the guest and improve the travel P&L for the hospitality space
  • 21:17 – The voice space in hospitality has been slow to customize and adapt these tools
  • 23:54 – Mobile technology has led the way, but major changes will emerge in mobile computing devices
  • 27:56 – The power of the devices will continue to get stronger, better and more demanded
  • 28:38 – The trend will be to see new hotel apps rolling out to promote contactless experiences because of COVID
  • 29:55 – The hospitality industry needs AI and Machine Learning to adapt to customer needs

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