At Your Service

The latest innovation and trends in contactless guest experience and the products that are revolutionizing the service industry.


How Automated Reporting Helps Hotels

The most successful hotels use technology to track and measure results on an automated basis. Not only is having reliable business analytics important but in today’s environment, it is crucial in making intelligent business decisions. However, tracking data and creating metrics can indeed be tedious work, especially if you’re tracking across different programs.

Can you successfully manage what you can’t measure? Of course not. The issue faced by traditional marketing has always been its inability to properly track and measure results. Measuring your performance has typically meant many laborious hours of manual entries into spreadsheets, and quite frequently never even gets done.

Your hotel needs a system to automatically track and report your success and to identify holes in attracting new guests; increasing revenue; marketing campaigns; and existing patient retention, awareness, and increased per-guest revenue.

At INTELITY, that’s what we’ve done for metrics in the hospitality industry, whether you’re a small boutique hotel or an all-inclusive resort. Thanks to INTELITY Staff, we make it possible to manage multiple guest metrics through one system – without the pain and tedium of putting it all together.

INTELITY Staff was designed specifically with metrics in mind – and the fast-paced life of a hotelier.

What is INTELITY Staff?

The INTELITY Staff is a cloud-based software system that combines the functionality of four distinct tools needed by hoteliers including business intelligence, ticketing, in-room dining, and mobile dining. In other words, INTELITY Staff monitors hotel activity, tracks all incoming guest and in-room dining orders, automates guest marketing, and contains a customized guest-facing interface that bridges the INTELITY platform and the hotel’s back-end infrastructure.

Sounds like a lot, right? But there’s more. One of the most important functions INTELITY Staff can perform is the measurement of all the above. Here are just some of the metrics INTELITY Staff can provide in an automated report, sent straight to you and designated staff’s email inbox:

  • Active guests utilizing your tablet and mobile app solutions
  • App or Tablet Usage
  • Tracks your staff’s overall activities
  • In Room Dining Data

At INTELITY, we have built a platform that brings together all of the latest hospitality industry tools – and measures how they perform for your hotel. Our platform is on the cutting edge and it will enable you to attract more guests profitably. Contact us and we’ll show you a better way of measuring your results.

From the Guests Perspective: Top Ten Instagram Posts Featuring Intelity Technology

Sometimes a story is best told through pictures. Guests have come to expect technology in hotels and get excited when technology makes their stay easier – whether it be with mobile check-in and check out, messaging, mobile service requests, or room controls. For our Inteliversary, we rounded up the top Instagram posts featuring INTELITY products at our #INTELITYHotelPartners.


What my morning started with at @esquarehotel

A post shared by Jayde Pierce (@jaydepierce) on

This nice guy insisted in carrying my tiny backpack up to my room and showed me how to control lights, blinds and bed massage (!) with the touch display. #stilldidntgetit #teampixel

A post shared by Jannette Flores (@jannette_flores) on

Tea service in bed. Perfect for a 6 degree morning and after a 20hr flight ✈??#London

A post shared by F I O N A © (@fionaecoles) on

우리가 3박을 보낼 #peninsulahotel . #사진으로본것보다더이뻐 #ws_hongkong #승여사네

A post shared by @ sue.seung on

A post shared by Caitlin Berres (@seaberries) on

At the Woodlands Resort, you can walk onto your balcony with your in-room tablet and enjoy the beauty of nature while still having room service at the touch of a finger.

A post shared by Intelity (@intelity) on

Thanks to modern technology, hotel requests can be made at the push of a button, like with this @RanchoBernardoInn app. Hard to imagine life before the convenience of smartphones.

A post shared by Intelity (@intelity) on

Lazy dog ? in a king size bed

A post shared by Eunice Cyin Kim (@_eunyyy) on

“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” — Cloud Atlas #travel #denver

A post shared by The Crawford Hotel (@thecrawfordhotel) on

Tip of the day: Our Garden Suite features it’s very own Herbs Garden ? #thechatwalny #theluxurycollection

A post shared by The Chatwal Hotel (@thechatwalny) on


How Can Voice Activated Rooms Improve Guest Satisfaction

Voice-activated hotels can provide a new era of customer satisfaction by saving time for guests and staff, giving guests a personalized experience, and becoming a new amenity that your hotel can market. Here, we break down the voice-activated hotel room and what it can do for your guests.

Saving time for your guests

From tablets to smartphones, people are spending more time in front of screens. The vast majority of Americans, 95 percent, now own a cellphone of some kind (Pew) Nearly 75% of Americans own a desktop or laptop, and 42 percent use voice assistants. (Pew). We can communicate with people on the other side of the world, look up the answer to a question in less than 30 seconds and stream entertainment almost flawlessly. While this is amazing as far as convenience goes, it’s leading to growing impatience in our society. We want things instantly.

A voice-activated hotel room is one way to save your guests the time they value so much.

On average, once a guest reaches their hotel room, they spend the first few minutes adjusting the temperature, figuring out the lighting, fiddling with the shower taps, and playing with the TV.

how voice activated rooms can improve guest satisfaction

In voice-activated hotel rooms, guests can walk in and set everything just the way they want it right away. They can adjust the temperature and turn on the lights, find out the weather for the day just by speaking. This leaves them with more time to enjoy their stay. Couple that with the convenience of not having to figure out a new world of switches, and you’ve got a happy customer.

how voice activated rooms can improve guest satisfaction

Personalization on a whole new level

To truly differentiate a brand, hotels must develop a strong service culture that makes a guest feel special and appreciated, in order for them to come back. With voice-activated hotel rooms, you have a powerful partner in helping them feel more at home in their rooms.

Having Alexas in the room lets hotels personalize the room experience with music, having the ability to request more towels rather than having to call down the front desk.

It’ll make the guests feel more welcome, more comfortable, and more impressed in their rooms. Which means that they’ll feel more like coming back next time they’re in town.

It can drive your hotel above the competition

Like several technologies, voice-activated rooms will probably become the norm way sooner than we may think. But for the now, it’s relatively exclusive — and things that are exclusive have lots of allure. Since they won’t find the feature elsewhere, future guests are going to want to stay in your hotel to experience it. That goes double for the type of guest looking for a luxury stay.

Plus, a good hotel room makes guests feel special and is a huge determinant of whether or not they enjoy their trip. So when they go home and tell everyone about their vacation, they’ll surely tell them about the fantastic hotel they stayed in and how the room was voice-activated. And when it comes to hotel marketing, we all know that a word of mouth review can do more than any digital ad or TV commercial.

how voice activated rooms can improve guest satisfaction

A Case for Investing in Technology During the Design and Development Process

Considering technology during the design process of a new hotel property can only promote innovative ideation and save on installation costs

The discussion about technology has changed immensely over the past several years, and hoteliers worldwide have received the message: all guests, millennial, gen z, or otherwise, want mobile tech included in their experience. While the main conversation is about adjusting to consumer needs, there’s a more prescient matter on the table for properties in development: considering technology in the design stages to stay ahead.

Businesses should be ostensibly “future-proofing” their properties, considering that technology and user expectation for more privacy and a customizable experience have taken precedent. A guest’s hotel stay is no longer just about the brick-and-mortar aspects, it’s now extended out to an entire brand experience. When it comes to designing for the modern traveler, designers need to be up-to-date with the latest in emerging technology usage when crafting a space. It’s no longer enough to flaunt location or chic interiors, hotels need to be looking ahead to build out an extra level of functionality for their tech-savvy guests.

There are easy solutions for the future-proofing dilemma that hoteliers are facing, it takes finding the best tools for the property. There are now emerging platforms in the technology marketplace that can provide guests with instant control over their experience: mobile check-in, keyless entry, streaming music, and reservation management available through an accompanying app. If hoteliers install an in-room tablet component that marries all of the things, the user desires are met for a seamless visit. The additional perk of hospitality platforms is that they do all of the above while providing the hotel with numerous behind-the-scenes capabilities to manage operations, and stay ahead of guests’ needs.

It’s far more cost-effective to consider technology in the development stages of a new property than to make changes down the road. As it stands, more than 50% of hotels are making guestroom technology upgrades a priority, so why shouldn’t this aspect of the guest experience be factored at the design-level of development? According to HT’s 2016 Lodging Technology Study, 54% of hotels are devoting more of their spends on technology to match escalating guest expectations. If tech specs are factored into the construction as a proactive measure, the costs are far significantly lower than knocking into completed walls, dealing with lock upgrades, or the associated costs that go into redoing Internet and in-room controls infrastructure. Playing with these aspects in advance invites more creativity and can save money in the short term.

Once technology factors are integrated, new levels of guest experience can be optimized. The physical flow of mobile check-in, the casual sleekness of in-room design with the tablet- these subtle tweaks epitomize how people are defining and value luxury. Additionally, there’s money on the table when considering that technology can provide upsell points tied to geolocation or time of day, or analyzing the guest’s experience for potential recovery should any hiccups occur while they’re still on the property. The LBMA 2017 Global Transitions Trends Report found that 25% of marketing budgets are spent on location-based marketing, and over 50% of brands are using location data to target their customer base. There are literally 10s of millions in ad revenue up for grabs if hotels use localization and customer targeting with in-room tablets to connect guests with local culture- neighborhood dining, must-see events, and finding various hidden gems.

Considering investing in technology during the design process of a new hotel property can only promote innovative ideation, allow hotel brands to expand on their experience, and save on installation costs. With the rise of Airbnb and the litany of problems that come with its scattershot approach to “quality,” the designers behind tomorrow’s hotels have an opportunity to elevate the brand experience by factoring in how users engage with tech.


How to Get Your Hotel Guest To Download Your Mobile App

A hotel app has great potential to aid in cultivating satisfied, loyal guests if hotels can figure out how to embrace innovation and prove to guests that the app is designed with their best interest at heart. Features such as direct messaging, mobile check-in, and mobile hotel room key are a step in this direction, but it’s up to hoteliers to become more forward thinking in taking advantage of the opportunity that mobile presents to create a much-needed refreshment in the guest experience.

Once your hotel has determined that you will create a mobile app, and go through the process of developing and fine-tuning it, it’s now time to promote. Below are three INTELITY Hotel Partners who thought outside the box for gaining usage of their mobile app and created excitement for their guests.

Unico Hotel Rivera Maya

Unico created a list to post on their website of 10 things you didn’t know you could do on their app. They personalized it to their hotel’s unique amenities, such as read about the Kimbai art pieces in the lobby, pointing out features within the app including sending a digital posted card to loved ones and even upselling their spa services, such as booking a Volcanic Stone Massage.

Unico was able to highlight the exclusive amenities offered to their hotel while giving their guest a reason to check out the mobile app. As well their homepage also features the app, telling guests to make the most of their stay and to download the UNICO 20°87° Experience app.

Conrad Hotels & Resorts

Conrad Hotels & Resorts looked to use their mobile app Conrad Concierge within the Hilton Honors app to reach guests directly and immediately, without being unobtrusive. They were the first service-enabled hotel brand app made available in 2012 and surpassed 180,000 users in the first two years.

Their main goal was to increase sign-ups for the Hilton Honors loyalty program and provide mobile concierge services to guests. They used access to a suite of mobile features to serve as an incentive to get guests to download the app. To promote the app, they used several marketing techniques so that it would be a consistent message and reminder throughout their guests’ stay.

Conrad created a landing page announcing Conrad Concierge and defining its benefits for hotel guests.

Couples Resorts

Couples Resorts chose to announce the creation of their app along with their partnership with INTELITY in an informative press release. Their app focuses on amplifying the on-property experience to delight guests and provide additional support once they have booked a reservation with one of the brand’s resorts. Press releases often include images, videos and other multimedia which means they were able to convey their message in an interesting way. As well, the press release was distributed to millions of people around the world instantly through email and social media, expanding public knowledge about Couple’s new offering. Through the press release, Couples was able to create a buzz for the soon-to-be-released mobile app.


Mobilize the Guest Journey with Messaging

3 compelling reasons to choose Mobile Messaging over other service channels.

Welcome to the next era of customer service. Let’s start by taking a look at these statistics:

  • 97% of Americans use mobile text messaging at least once a day.
  • Texting takes up 14.1% of cell phone users’ time. (Nielsen)
  • 90% of all text messages are read in under 3 minutes. (Connect Mogul)
  • 80% of people are currently using texting for business. (eWeek)
  • One in five consumers is just as likely to prefer a text message from a business to a phone call. (ICMI)

Today’s guests have come to expect personalized service wherever they are, exactly when they want it — and fast. While mobile messaging will not be your only service channel, here are three compelling reasons to choose it over other service channels.

24/7 service – Give Guests the Convenience of Messaging Without Sacrificing Luxury Service

Guests want personal attention, even on a business trip or a short weekend vacation. Mobile messaging lets your guests have the convenience of the technology, without compromising the staff’s standard of luxury. A guest can use their preferred method of communication – like SMS or Facebook Messenger – to connect with the front desk at any time and receive an amazing service experience.

For instance, your guest has checked-in early but would like to play a round of golf before his room is ready. He can text you as he finished up on the golf course so you know he is ready to check in his room.

mobilize the guest journey with messaging

Your Hotel Can Still Have the ‘Human Touch’

Be there for your guests the way a good friend is – with mobile messaging. At the time of check out, let each of your guests know that can have instant access to someone at your hotel with SMS. Your hotel can do this in a variety of ways:

  • At the time of check-in, give the guest a business card along with their room key letting them know the designated number to text. Add a token of personalization by having your hotel staff write the name of the guest at the top of the card.
  • Before the guest checks in, your hotel can send a “pre-arrival checklist” and list the phone number and other ways your guest can contact the hotel before and during their stay.

mobilize the guest journey with messaging -1

Drive service costs down and ROI up

By utilizing text messaging, your hotel can boost agent productivity with a solution that lets staff manage multiple text conversations at once – with all the context and intelligence they need to resolve cases and deliver a luxury customer experience, every time.

For example, your guest sees a light bulb is burnt out in the bathroom. He can simply text a picture of the item and let your staff know of the maintenance issue.

INTELITY’s Messaging solution is a central portal that combines text and messaging platforms into one interface that hotel staff can use to respond to guests in real-time. The Messaging solution, with the help of INTELITY Staff, can be used to open tickets for guests and create a more efficient workflow.

mobilize the guest journey with messaging -2

With INTELITY’s Messaging solution, now any hotel can deliver a connected guest service experience at scale. Messaging allows hotels to adapt quickly and easily to guest’s ever-changing needs, within the award-winning INTELITY Staff platform. Finally, your hotel can deliver an amazing and effortless service experience that fits your brand and bottom line.

Conversational service is here. Stay ahead of today’s guests and start engaging them in the channel and messaging apps they prefer.